How to hang curtains in corner windows?

The Complete Guide to Hanging Curtains in Corner Windows

Hanging curtains in corner windows can be a challenge. But with the right tools and techniques, it can be done.

The first step is to measure the window and determine how much fabric you will need. You will need to measure from the top of the window to the floor, then add an extra 12 inches for a hem at the bottom of your curtain.

Next, you will need to decide on what type of rod you want to use. There are many different types of rods available on the market today, but they all have their own pros and cons. For example, tension rods are easy to install but they don’t offer as much support as other types of rods do.

Finally, you will need to hang your curtains by following these steps:

What is a Corner Window?

A corner window is a window that is placed in the corner of a room. It can be used to provide more light and space in the room.

The placement of the curtain rod depends on the size of the window and how much light you want to let in. If you want to let more light into your room, then you should place it closer to the center of your window. If you want less light, then place it closer to one side of your window.

How to hang corner curtains?

Hanging curtains in corner windows can be a little tricky. But with the right tools and a little patience, you can get it done.

The first thing you need to do is measure the window and buy the right length of curtain rod. You will also need to buy brackets that are long enough to fit on the wall where you want to hang your curtains.

Once you have all of your supplies, measure from the top of one side of the window frame to the top of the other side. This will give you an idea of how much space is available for hanging your curtains.
If there is not enough space for both sides, then measure from one side only and use brackets on both sides for support.
If there is plenty of space, then measure from one side

How to Hang Curtains in a Corner Window

Hanging curtains in a corner window can be tricky. You need to find the right curtain rod placement and the right length of curtains.

The first step is to measure the width of your window and divide it by two. This will give you the width of your curtain rod. The second step is to measure the height of your window and divide it by two. This will give you the height of your curtains.

The Best Way to Hang Curtains in a Corner Window

The best way to hang curtains in a corner window is to use a tension rod. This will allow you to hang the curtains without any visible hardware on the wall.

A tension rod is a metal bar that can be adjusted to different lengths and then tightened with a screw. You can find them at most hardware stores and they are relatively inexpensive.

Creator Spotlight Video: How to choose a curtain length and size